31 December 2020

Books 2020

 Lee Child Hero

Adam Kay This Is Going To Hurt

David Klepek Cold Storage

Sarah Perry The Essex Serpent

Howard of Warwick The Heretics of De’Ath

Robert Harris Munich

Robert Galbraith The Cuckoo’s Calling

James Felton 52 Times Britain Was A Bell End

Frederick Forsyth The Kill List

Graham Greene Brighton Rock

Matt Ridley The Evolution of Everything

Dava Sobel Galileo’s Daughter

Robert Galbraith The Silkworm

Margaret Atwood The Handmaid’s Tale

Ian Mortimer The Perfect King

Robert Galbraith Career of Evil 

Bill Bryson At Home

25 September 2020

NHS Tracing app

The new NHS tracing apps, based on technology from Google and Apple, were made available to the wider public on 24th September after testing in the Isle of Wight and Newham. There’s been some criticism of the Apple version because it only works on newer iPhones. These are the ones that will run iOS 13.5 or later. The iOS extension that allows exchange of keys with other users of the app, the Exposure Notification API, was released in that version of the operating system.  

The issue isn’t with the app creators but with the Apple approach of denying operating system upgrades to fairly recent and fully functional equipment. This affects both iOS and MacOS users, forcing upgrades of good quality devices that should otherwise have years of useful life in them.  I don’t know whether this happens with Android devices too. 

Surely, in the COVID epidemic, it would be possible for both Apple and Google to release versions of their older mobile phone operating systems with their respective extension added, so that as many people as possible are brought into the tracing net. 

02 June 2020

Ending the Lockdown - Mass events

Some more thoughts written on 2nd June, after I posted the following on Twitter on 11th May
To resume social activities: family and mass gatherings, sports, the arts, public transport, foreign travel, etc., the UK daily new infections must be in the 10s or 100s, not the 1000s. This requires mass testing, good tracking and compulsory quarantine. When, Boris?

We're still seeing a UK-wide rolling 7-day total of over 15000 lab-confirmed cases.  Though the figure for England is now consistently under 5000, this is around the number in late March, and we went from that to 35000 - 40000 per seven days in about three weeks.  That's the lab-confirmed cases.  Nobody has any real idea of the number people in the community who currently have the virus but haven't taken a test.  Some pundits put the multiplier at four to five times, although social distancing means that it may be smaller.  That's still 20000 new cases in England each week. 

There's no way that community team sports, concerts, large family gatherings, religious activities, Friday night at the pub, and 1001 other things that delight us will be allowed to resume until the chances of catching this deadly infection have been reduced to near zero.  Social distancing is a killer for most of these activities.

We can't go on with social distancing forever.  We need to eradicate the virus - who knows if an effective vaccine will ever be found?

We need to develop a process that
  1. puts a strong obligation on anyone who suspects that they have the virus, or is showing symptoms, or has been in contact with an infected person, to test
  2. gives test results within 24 hours or ideally same day
  3. gives support to anyone who tests positive, in line with their needs, to isolate safely - counselling, financial, communications, medical, psychological, nursing, child support
  4. supplies accommodation for anyone who cannot isolate without risk to others - if one in a family has the virus, there's no need for everyone else to catch it too
  5. supplies compulsory accommodation for anyone testing positive who won't isolate voluntarily
At present, testing is concentrated in single-function testing centres.  That involves travel for potentially sick people, which may be a real problem for some.  We need a more responsive and accessible way for anyone in need of a test to obtain it.  Testers on motorbikes?  District nurses?

The Government seems scared to bite the bullet of compulsory quarantine, and it's obviously a political hot potato.  Sadly, it may be necessary for the few, to give freedom to the majority from the restrictions of social distancing.  Maybe voluntary accommodation could be given with such good arrangements that no-one needs to be compelled.

13 April 2020

Songs for washing hands

Two times 'Happy Birthday to you' or any of these variants (work in progress)

Happy Birthday to you
Squashed tomatoes and stew
Bread and butter in the gutter
Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you
I hope that's just flu...
There's corona in Verona
And Basingstoke too.