At last, some reality in Westminster about Labour's con trick, the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). The Spectator is reporting that the Public Accounts Committee has recognised the spectacular waste of money and the inequity of the deals (article here).
I blogged about this in May 'Please can we restore the meaning of investment'...
"The Tories flirted with Public-Private Partnership (PPP), an early version of PFI in the mid 1990s. They rapidly worked out that it was too dangerous. Brown grabbed it with both hands to run up another £500 billion of future debt while turning much of the normal capital investment into bribes for voters or jobs for the boys (and girls), especially in marginal and safe Labour seats. We will be paying for this man's lies, recklessness and dishonesty for the next thirty years."
Please don't let's forget that this was one of Gordon Brown's crimes, and that the idiot Milliband denies responsibility for them - and would repeat them.